Monday, March 2, 2020

Maybe 3rd time the charm?

Well....I started this blog many years ago and I had every intention of being open, honest, and raw as I have shown in my previous post talking about skin picking and my mastectomy surgeries. I wanted to create a blog opening up about  OCD, depression, struggles, anxiety, and all those emotions we all have but keep deep inside.

I've thought about posting videos again on youtube and writing in this blog almost daily for many years, but I always seem to find an excuse and life gets in the way. I'm turning 30 next month and I have lots of exciting things coming up...I'M PREGNANT!!!

You always think while memories are being made you will remember every detail, but as much as those moments mean to you I've realized your brain can only remember so much. I kick myself for not writing in my blog while I was traveling Europe for a month, but I'm taking it as a learning experience and I've decided to make blogging a priority because I want to remember this magical time in my life...

Monday, May 1, 2017


It's May of 2017. I haven't wrote in this blog for years or posted another youtube video to my channel. Yet,  I think about it everyday. I guess some time passed and I was waiting for the "perfect" moment to start, but what I'm realizing is that there is never going to be a perfect moment in my life where I'm ready.

I feel so lost. A lot has happened since I stopped writing. I don't know where to begin. Which might be another reason I have been putting of blogging and posting videos. 

I'm not going to go into great details but I ended up getting a really bad infection when I got my implants put in from my mastectomy. I ended up all together having 6 different surgeries because every time they would put a new pair of implants in my body would reject them. I would get a rash on my right side of my breast and scar tissue around the implant would capsule. I had no energy and was like this for about a year until they finally found out what kind of infection it was and were able to treat it. I was on really strong antibiotics that would make me feel sick. 

Its been some time now and I'm off all the medicine and I've had these implants with no problem. It has certainly been a journey. All in all I still agree with deciding to have the surgery. But, looking back it was a very BIG decision and I wasn't prepared for all the emotional things that came with having the surgery done. How I felt they looked, etc. It was an experience hard to explain but I'm def glad its over. 

I also went to LA for 2 months and did the acting program I always wanted to do. I went Dec 2014 to Jan 2015. My last surgery I had on my breast was Nov 20th, 2014. I needed up recovering nicely and I had the time off so I decided that was the time to go and take the plunge. I had a great time. It was a little rocky in the beginning. I stayed with a women that posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate. She was an older middle-aged women. She was way too intense. Lots of cats and it just wasn't a good fit. I needed up leaving and staying at an hotel for a few nights before I found another place to live. It was with another women who was previously in the entertainment business. Her place was beautiful and she kept to herself so it was a great fit. I had my own bedroom and bathroom and a cute little patio. Before I met with her I looked at a few other places and they just weren't a fit and I remember driving and thinking how I wish I could find just a nice place I had this idea in my head of the place I wanted to stay and then that night is when I saw her ad. It worked out great. I have a lot of video footage of my time in LA doing the acting program. I plan to post it to my youtube channel as soon as I get it all together and edit it. 

Thats a little bit of an update about those 2 things because I know I talked about them in the past. I'm going to start blogging more. I guess the main reason I want to blog is because I want to remember. Its so easy to forget things. You think when they happen that you will always remember them but in tie they start to fade or you start to second guess your memory. Even while posting this about my mastectomy I used to remember all the dates and details, but in time they are becoming foggy. 

I'm going to Europe this Summer for 25 days! I want to blog everyday because I want to remember and have those memory to look back on. 

Also, I'm 27 now...I have never felt more lost in my life. I'm not sure of anything. What I want? What I believe? What I want to do? I want to write about how I'm feeling because I don't think I'm the only one who feels like until next time! 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Breast Reconstruction surgery in 8 hours...

Tomorrow morning is the "big day" well its almost 1 o'clock in the morning so actually today is the big day. I can't sleep this time. Last time before my mastectomy surgery I actually got some sleep which is surprising, but this time along I feel different. Kinda like I'm not ready, but I know I am. Im ready to get these hard expanders out. Its going to be nice to not wake up in the morning and be sore from the hardness of the expanders.  I think I'm a little more nervous this time because the results will be the final product. I just hope I picked the right size (not too big, not too small) and that my skin is not really wrinkly and they look good. Of course I was nervous last time but I knew that how they looked after surgery would not be the final results so it didn't matter so much how they looked. Of course I was nervous last time as well as this time about the normal surgery fears...not waking up...the pain after....feeling nauseated...infections...etc.

Even if the results don't turn out the way I want them too. I know in my heart I will not regret my decision. For the rest of my life I don't have to worry about breast cancer. I know I am only 23 but I know with my history it was the right choice for me. I think another reason I'm a little more sad this time is because I really miss my grandma. She passed away June 24th, 2013.....two months before I got my double mastectomy on Aug. 28th. She knew I was getting the surgery and was 100% supportive. Even towards the end when she was really weak she would still ask me about my appointments and want the dates and info. I remember one time I was sitting in the chair next to her and she said "I wish I could see the results, well maybe I will be." I know she not be there physically but I know for sure she will be there watching down from heaven.  I love you with all of my heart Grandma. xoxo

Monday, September 2, 2013

Mastectomy: Day 5

Today was a good day. I had really weird dreams last night tho and woke up in another sweat episode which was weird, but other then that...its been a good day! My mom and I went to Home Goods, TJ Max, and Ulta (they are all right next to each other). Then had a yummy dinner at Panera Beard. It's one of our favs. We actually had it the day before my surgery on the way back from the Doctors haha.

I wanted to film a video today but after going out I was too sleepy. I have my first Doctors appt, tomorrow since my surgery last week. Im excited to see what she says and how I'm healing. I also get my dressings/bandages on my chest changed.  OHHHHH  and I almost forgot I had my first I guess ill call it "pull" episode today with the drains. I was changing my shirt (when I wear a shirt I put the drains on the outside it makes it easier not to accidentally pull on them) but while my shirt was off and I was going to get another one my hand accidentally pulled on the left drain...ahhhh it hurts! Good thing they are in there pretty secure, it didn't move or anything just hurt really bad, but it only lasted about 5 seconds. Overall another good day. Im so thankful for my parents they have made this experience as comfortable as they can for me and they are both doing a great job. My mom had her reconstruction surgery (implants) along with her orvaries removed the beginning of August. I took care of her for a couple weeks while she recovered, then it was my turn and I had my surgery. We planned it out that so she could take time off work for her surgery, then recover, and continue to stay off work for a few more weeks and help me recover. It took a lot of timing out and planning, but it all turn out nicely. Her reconstruction turned out AMAZING! She said she likes her new ones more then her old ones hehe
You can't even tell that she had a mastectomy or see the scars. Its truly amazing and a blessing what they can do now a days!

Now, I'm nice and comfy in my bed and going to catch up on some of my shows I have DVR...Real House Wives of New Jersey and Keeping up With the Kardashians hehe

Panera Bread and fun time with my Mom,
                                                      Julie xoxo

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Mastectomy: Day 4

Today is my fifth day since surgery. Im feeling pretty good. The mornings are always hard when I first wake up. I sometimes wake up in a cold/hot sweat or I have a bad headache from laying in the same position on my back. Looking back on the last few days it hasn't been too bad. I of course had some bad moments and sometimes were easier then others but overall it hasn't been too bad. My parents have helped so much by keeping me company and making me food and keeping track of my medicines.

Today I was feeling pretty good, but my hair felt gross. It has been almost a week since I took a shower and I started to feel yucky. My mom helped me take a sponge/baby wipe bath and after she drove me to a hair salon close to our house and I got my hair shampooed,conditioned and blowed dryer. It felt amazing! Its so easy then trying to do it yourself or have someone you know try and do it for you, because at the hair salon they have the chairs you can sit back in so your bandages don't get wet. I def feel better after and it was a nice little outing of the house. 

Ive been trying really hard to write blogs/youtube videos. Seems like during the day all I do is sleep, watch tv, or I'm online editing. Im soooo excited that I finally have a video posted on my youtube page (i never thought my first video would be about my mastectomy) haha but I'm glad I get to share my experience. I have some beauty videos I want to film in the next few days. I can't wait until I can get these drains out. They are uncomfortable and annoying when you start to feel a little better because they are noticeable. I have a couple of doctors appt. this week so hopefully I will be able to get at least one out (I think I'm gonna have to wait another week tho)

I will be filming a (informational) Jackson Pratt Drain Video tomorrow and also a Holy Grail Beauty Product video and will try to have them up in the next few days. Hope everyone has a great month of September!!! 

Lots of Love, Julie :)

Day of Mastectomy & days 1-3 after

Video down below:

The day before my surgery I went to my last doctor's appt. and she marked me for surgery the next day. Before I went into the appt I took my last shower for awhile and my Doctor had me wash with a certain kind of soap called "Hippa". Also to prepare a few days before my surgery I washed all my clothes and my bed sheets so I would be able to recover in a clean environment. I also went shopping and got snacks and food I could eat while I was recovering that was easy. I also got my prescriptions filled so when I got home all my medicine was there and ready for me.

I actually slept the night before surgery. I didn't think I would, but I ended up getting a few hours of sleep. I felt very nervous in the morning and anxious. I asked my Doctor to prescribe me a pill to take that morning because I knew I would a nervous wreck. My doctor prescribed me Ativan. I took 1 mg about 30 min before getting my IV to calm my nerves.

When I awoke from surgery my mom was next to me. I remember feeling vey confused and out of it and a little nauseated. They gave me something for the nausea and put a ice pack on my right arm and leg because they were so sore from the bloom pressure cuff and being in the same position in surgery for so long.

The first night I felt okay, I was still pretty out of it from the anesthesia and numb. I was nervous I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but I ended up sleeping fine and I got up every couple hours to use the restroom. My mom stayed the night with me and helped a lot. I took a pain pill every 4 hours and a Zofran every 6 hours so I wouldn't get nauseated. I tried to eat some crackers with the medicine as well. The next morning I felt okay. I brought some baby wipes and brushed my teeth and freshen up which made me feel a little better. I got to go home around noon and went to bed. Later that night, I started to hurt a little more. I felt like I got beat up. My body was sore all over like I did a intense workout and worked every muscle and the side of my chest hurts and feels sore. The second and third day I think I hurt the worst. But I made sure to keep up with my pain meds and ate food and I had the Doctor prescribe me Zofran to take at home incase I couldn't keep food down, I also recommend buying stool softeners because you will be taking a lot of pain meds. The pain is bearable when I'm laying down watching TV. I'm not in terrible pain every second. When I move around I can feel it, but its not so much "painful" but more of a uncomfortable feeling. The drains are doing good...I have been at about 30-40ccs when I drain them. Make sure you keep track of how many ccs your drains are when you empty them and also keep track of the meds you are taking and when you take them, You can get loopy taking medicine so its always good to have it written down or have someone do it for you. Over all doing parents are being so good and making me feel like a princess. Keep you posted xoxoxo

-Sorry for the poor video quality I taped the hospital footage on my cell phone so I wouldn't have t worry about my nice camera. Future vlogs and videos will be in HD with my camera. Thanks for watching and good luck to anyone who is going through the same thing! :) Please Subscribe for more info and future videos - Julie xoxo 

My decision on getting a Double Mastectomy

I made a youtube video which I posted below along with some additional information about why I decided to get my Mastectomy. Please subscribe for more blogs and videos :) 

My Grandmother (my Mom's mom) got diagnosed with Breast Cancer at age 30. My Aunt (my Mom's sister) got diagnosed at age 43 and my Mom got diagnosed last Sept. 2012 at age 49. 

This was not a rushed decision and since my mom got diagnosed last year, it has been something that I have put a lot of thought into and discussed with my Doctors and family.

We went to genetic counseling for the BRCA 1&2 gene as well as the other few genes they have found and thankfully we were negative. Because of my strong family history and the fact that it is rare to get breast cancer before age 50 without there being a genetic gene involved Doctors still think we have some type of gene but the testing is still so new they haven't found it yet.

The decision I made is not for everyone. It is something I thought about long and hard and felt with my background it was the best timing and choice for me, 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer and those odds alone are not very good and with my Grandma, Aunt, and Mom all having it so young I felt like I made the right decision for me.

I got a Prophylactic Bilateral Nipple Sparing Double Mastectomy (which means I still have my nipples.) My mom went through the same surgery last year and I was with her through all of it, so I knew what I was getting into and what to expect, which I think knowledge is power and it def has helped prepare me.

I have decided to document my experience for anyone else that might be in the same situation or know someone that is having a Mastectomy and wants to see what to expect. I am in NO way a doctor or nurse or any kind of health care provider this is just things I have learned from my personal experience. Down below is the youtube video I made.