Monday, September 2, 2013

Mastectomy: Day 5

Today was a good day. I had really weird dreams last night tho and woke up in another sweat episode which was weird, but other then that...its been a good day! My mom and I went to Home Goods, TJ Max, and Ulta (they are all right next to each other). Then had a yummy dinner at Panera Beard. It's one of our favs. We actually had it the day before my surgery on the way back from the Doctors haha.

I wanted to film a video today but after going out I was too sleepy. I have my first Doctors appt, tomorrow since my surgery last week. Im excited to see what she says and how I'm healing. I also get my dressings/bandages on my chest changed.  OHHHHH  and I almost forgot I had my first I guess ill call it "pull" episode today with the drains. I was changing my shirt (when I wear a shirt I put the drains on the outside it makes it easier not to accidentally pull on them) but while my shirt was off and I was going to get another one my hand accidentally pulled on the left drain...ahhhh it hurts! Good thing they are in there pretty secure, it didn't move or anything just hurt really bad, but it only lasted about 5 seconds. Overall another good day. Im so thankful for my parents they have made this experience as comfortable as they can for me and they are both doing a great job. My mom had her reconstruction surgery (implants) along with her orvaries removed the beginning of August. I took care of her for a couple weeks while she recovered, then it was my turn and I had my surgery. We planned it out that so she could take time off work for her surgery, then recover, and continue to stay off work for a few more weeks and help me recover. It took a lot of timing out and planning, but it all turn out nicely. Her reconstruction turned out AMAZING! She said she likes her new ones more then her old ones hehe
You can't even tell that she had a mastectomy or see the scars. Its truly amazing and a blessing what they can do now a days!

Now, I'm nice and comfy in my bed and going to catch up on some of my shows I have DVR...Real House Wives of New Jersey and Keeping up With the Kardashians hehe

Panera Bread and fun time with my Mom,
                                                      Julie xoxo

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