Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day of Mastectomy & days 1-3 after

Video down below:

The day before my surgery I went to my last doctor's appt. and she marked me for surgery the next day. Before I went into the appt I took my last shower for awhile and my Doctor had me wash with a certain kind of soap called "Hippa". Also to prepare a few days before my surgery I washed all my clothes and my bed sheets so I would be able to recover in a clean environment. I also went shopping and got snacks and food I could eat while I was recovering that was easy. I also got my prescriptions filled so when I got home all my medicine was there and ready for me.

I actually slept the night before surgery. I didn't think I would, but I ended up getting a few hours of sleep. I felt very nervous in the morning and anxious. I asked my Doctor to prescribe me a pill to take that morning because I knew I would a nervous wreck. My doctor prescribed me Ativan. I took 1 mg about 30 min before getting my IV to calm my nerves.

When I awoke from surgery my mom was next to me. I remember feeling vey confused and out of it and a little nauseated. They gave me something for the nausea and put a ice pack on my right arm and leg because they were so sore from the bloom pressure cuff and being in the same position in surgery for so long.

The first night I felt okay, I was still pretty out of it from the anesthesia and numb. I was nervous I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, but I ended up sleeping fine and I got up every couple hours to use the restroom. My mom stayed the night with me and helped a lot. I took a pain pill every 4 hours and a Zofran every 6 hours so I wouldn't get nauseated. I tried to eat some crackers with the medicine as well. The next morning I felt okay. I brought some baby wipes and brushed my teeth and freshen up which made me feel a little better. I got to go home around noon and went to bed. Later that night, I started to hurt a little more. I felt like I got beat up. My body was sore all over like I did a intense workout and worked every muscle and the side of my chest hurts and feels sore. The second and third day I think I hurt the worst. But I made sure to keep up with my pain meds and ate food and I had the Doctor prescribe me Zofran to take at home incase I couldn't keep food down, I also recommend buying stool softeners because you will be taking a lot of pain meds. The pain is bearable when I'm laying down watching TV. I'm not in terrible pain every second. When I move around I can feel it, but its not so much "painful" but more of a uncomfortable feeling. The drains are doing good...I have been at about 30-40ccs when I drain them. Make sure you keep track of how many ccs your drains are when you empty them and also keep track of the meds you are taking and when you take them, You can get loopy taking medicine so its always good to have it written down or have someone do it for you. Over all doing parents are being so good and making me feel like a princess. Keep you posted xoxoxo

-Sorry for the poor video quality I taped the hospital footage on my cell phone so I wouldn't have t worry about my nice camera. Future vlogs and videos will be in HD with my camera. Thanks for watching and good luck to anyone who is going through the same thing! :) Please Subscribe for more info and future videos - Julie xoxo 

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